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Location: Litchfield Park, Arizona, United States

Monday, October 10, 2005

Has It Really Been That Long?

Has it really been that long since my last post?
Has it really been over 2 months?
Have I really been that busy?

As much as I would like to answer yes to that last question, the simple truth is that I’ve fallen victim to the Common Man Syndrome. I’ve become lazy to posting, and have been wrapped up in other things lately. I’ve been traveling quite a bit as of late; taking a cruise, visiting Colorado for a set of DMB shows and enjoying the north woods of Eagle River Wisconsin. I’ve also started to incorporate running into my daily (or every-other-daily) routine in preparation for my first ½ marathon coming up in January.

While the events over the last couple of months may sound busy, in retrospect I really had plenty of time to post, however I just felt burnt out for a while. This doesn’t mean that I couldn’t find the time to enjoy a few cigars, for I’ve spent many hours enjoying a smoke or two. There’s a stockpile of reviews I have waiting in my mind, some good and unfortunately some bad (don’t worry CAO, not you this time!).

Now that autumn is blowing its cool evening breezes into the valley of the sun, I can’t help but feel drawn into the sanctuary of the yard to savor the enjoyment of a fine cigar. There are many sticks waiting and aging rather nicely in the humidor, including some Ashton Crown Series, Macanudo 97 Vintage, Rocky Patel 1990 Vintage, Partagas 150 (don’t worry Rett, it’s time will come), Fuente, Padron and CAO, just to name a few.

I apologize to everyone looking for regular updates, and thank all those who take the time to read my posts and visit on a regular basis. I’m back, and I’ve kicked the Common Man out to the curb. Now it’s time to burn the day away!


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