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Monday, April 18, 2005

Review: Kahlua Cigars Delicioso by Drew Estate

Flavor Rebound

Drew Estate has always been on the cutting edge of flavor infusion with their popular and growing Acid line, however for the traditionalist, these cigars have never quite caught on. With the addition of the Cigar Delicioso line, I think the traditional cigar smoker is in for a pleasant surprise.
I’ve had the Kahlua cigar waiting patiently in my humidor since the Big Smoke event in Las Vegas last November. I’ve picked it up on may occasions, contemplating the right time to light it up, however I’ve been burned by flavored cigars in the past (you can read about that here), and have been reluctant to wander back to the land of infusion ever since. Maduros have been my cigar of choice as of late, and with the weather creeping up into the mid-nineties, I thought it wise to grab something somewhat milder. I reached for the first Connecticut shade wrap I could find, and to my surprise it happened to be the Kahlua. “Why not” I thought, it’s been sitting long enough.
As I cut it, preparing for the smoke ahead, I noticed the construction was perfect. The wrap, veining, even the band looked in perfect harmony. Next came the taste; before even lighting up, I was pleasantly surprised to find the distinctive sweet flavor of Kahlua touching my lips. The taste was refreshing enough producing a much-desired chill to the warm afternoon ahead, while at the same time reminding me of the winter nights back in Chicago and how delicious this would taste with a steaming cup-o-joe. Once lit, the flavors became enhanced, yet preserving the mild tones of coffee and cedar. The burn was even throughout, as I found myself removing the band to enjoy this smoke down to the very end. Never once did it burn hot, and was rather enjoyable for the full and relaxed 45 minutes.
While smoking, I was reminded of someone I observed while dining outdoors last week. He was smoking a Swisher Sweet. I didn’t see him at first mind you, I simply smelled that awful sweet burning vanilla smell, and I knew right away a Swisher was nearby. He was smoking while chatting it up with his friends, attempting to look sophisticated with the Sweet in hand. It took all the strength I had to not smack that stick out of his fingers and replace it with a Drew Estate smoke. Only if I knew then what I know now, would I have been able to suggest a Kahlua.
For those looking for flavor in their cigars, or even those looking for a refreshing change once in a while, look no further than Drew Estate. I had my reservations while lighting this one up, but to my pleasant surprise the flavor slate has been wiped clean and started anew with the help of the Kahlua cigar.

Kahlua-lua Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading your review, I tried the cigar, and was impressed with the flavor while I lit the cigar. Just like Kahlua! Unfortuately, it burned off quickly. Once the Kahlua flavor was gone, the flavor of the underlying mediocrity of the tobacco came through. My impression went from "Wow! Cool!" to "eh" very quickly.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 6:55:00 AM  

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