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Location: Litchfield Park, Arizona, United States

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Down for the Count

I first want to apologize for the lack of entries lately. I’ve been in Chicago over the past few days helping my brother and his wife move into their first home together. As much as I love Chicago, I now remember why I moved to Phoenix! There’s nothing like loading and unloading a 24 foot moving truck in near freezing temperatures with 30 mph wind swirling from every direction while being pelted by freezing rain (and even sometimes snow) to invigorate the soul. Unfortunately for me, I may have overdosed on the brutality that is Chicago in the spring, for I’ve come down with a pretty nasty flu bug that I’m just now getting over.
As for the woman in seat 10B, who insisted on continually elbowing me while reading her latest edition of Vanity Fair, catching up on the inside lives of Desperate Housewives, I hope my sneezes and coughs in your direction will teach you to become a bit more courteous on future flights (also, invest in some breathe-rite strips for your husband; his snoring was rumbling the entire wing of the plane!).
I’m also sorry that I wasn’t able to drop in on the good folks at Up Down Tobacco. I’ll probably be heading out that way again in June or July, so I’ll be sure to make a scheduled stop.
Now that I’m just about in the clear of this nasty little bug, I’ll be posting again very soon. I don’t think I’d have many positive cigar reviews while I can’t breath out my nose.

Anyhow, enough rambling on my part, for it’s time for more medicine. I’ll have a new post for you all soon!


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