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Monday, November 21, 2005

Smokin' Turkeys

With the Thanksgiving holiday already upon us (didn’t Labor Day just pass??), we’re all getting ready to expand our belts a notch, eat enough cranberry so that our eyes turn red and slip into a tryptophan induced coma; but what about the turkeys? When do they get to have any fun? Well, Mr. Holiday of the Norton Mirror has something to say about that:

In reality, studies have shown that Thanksgiving turkeys are remarkably well treated. They run free on spacious turkey farms, relaxing in little turkey saunas and smoking rich little full-bodied turkey cigars. Then they're slaughtered and plucked, but in a well-treated kind of way.

Full-bodied turkey cigars? Now there’s a sight to see! Maybe Drew Estate is producing a new line for our fowl feathered friends called the Gobble Gobble (you can find it next to the Kuba Kuba). You can read the article (and a number of other holiday queries answered) in its entirety here.


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